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Dayton Celebrates New Hebrew Year with Treats from the Western Galilee!

Updated: Nov 12, 2020

Rosh Hashanah, the beginning of the new Hebrew Year, is our time to celebrate and honor our LIFE & LEGACY (L&L) donors here in Dayton. The CEO of the Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton (JFGD),Cathy Gardner, and the directors of Jewish Family Services (JFS), Tara Feiner and the Jewish Community Center (JCC), Jane Hochstein, wanted to do something special, something that connected LIFE & LEGACY, a program that promotes after-lifetime giving to sustain vibrant Jewish communities for the next generation and beyond (, to the work that the JFGD does daily. Our Partnership2Gether Western Galilee (P2G) relationship embodied the work of the JFGD, JCC and JFS and provided the perfect ways to steward our L&L donors with a concert and social services connection that highlighted our partnership with Israel.

Sunset in Achziv beach, Western Galilee
Sunset in Achziv beach, Western Galilee

In 2018, Tara Feiner, JFS Director, participated in Partnership's Social Workers program in the Western Galilee. As part of their experience, they visited Kivunim, a non-profit organization established to provide services and training for young people with disabilities in our Partnership region. For its visitors, Kivunim offers a wonderful shopping experience with items made by participants in the program. Tara, captivated with the work of Kivunim, suggested to the L&L team that the L&L donors could also experience Kivunim with a token of thanks from one of our own partners. Partnership2Gether Director in Dayton, Marcy L. Paul, was charged to make it happen with Michal Nitzany, from Kivunim. The result, our L&L donors received one of 60 beautiful pomegranate bowls that came in a beautiful package with a Rosh HaShanah greeting and information about the Kivunim program.

Kivunim Participants; Pop-Up shop with Kivunim products; Our Life & Legacy Donors gift box: a Kivunim pomegranate bowl and a honey stick and honey bar of soap from a local Daytonian.

Prior to the COVID-19 shut down, Dayton was to host Halil BaGalil in late August. Hagit Rosmarin and Gil Bohadana had been in Dayton many years ago and there was lots of excitement to host them again. All came to a halt but, the Halil BaGalil duo was asked to record a concert just for our Life & Legacy donors. The concert was a huge success and Hagit and Gil personalized it with their memories of Dayton. During the Halil BaGalil concert, the kids played along on their makeshift drums and flute while their parents sat back and enjoyed!

Hagit and Gil, Halil Bagalil Duo, performing for Dayton L&L Donors
Hagit and Gil, Halil Bagalil Duo, performing for Dayton L&L Donors

While we think that we are far apart, I have seen and participated in more P2G events since COVID-19 breakout. We have found our Zoom life to include many of our P2G communities and expand our reach. I want COVID to end and as I reflect on the positive that has come out of this, I am grateful for the new and deepened Partnership friendships I have gained through Zoom meetings, weekly phone calls, and so many other opportunities to bring our P2G communities together!

Marcy L. Paul, Ph.D.

Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton

Director, JCRC & P2G

P2G Academic Co-Chair


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