by Tamara Lawson Schuster, Consortium Director
With Mayor Davidovitch in Dallas for the JNF conference last weekend, our Texas P2G WG communities jumped at the chance to welcome Mayor Davidovitch and his assistant, Keren Anderson Zeevi, with some terrific Lone Star State hospitality. I accompanied Mayor Davidovitch and Keren on their Texas visits. In the quick couple of days in Texas, Mayor Davidovitch gave many presentations on the current situation in the WG focusing on the thousands of evacuees from his region, the need for shelters in many older residences, schools and public spaces, and his optimism about the future. He also had a meeting with San Antonio civic leaders about possible economic partnerships, and was the featured guest on the live audience podcast “The Rabbi and the Other Guy,” the rabbi being Shalom Austin’s CEO, Daniel Septimus (podcast link coming soon)! Many thanks to Barry Abels (CEO Fort Worth), Lisa Epstein (JCRC San Antonio), and Michal Ilai (Sr Israel Educator Austin) for welcoming Mayor Davidovitch to Texas!